About Us

What is Borak-Borak Floorball?

Borak-Borak Floorball (BBF) was initiated by a group of three avid floorballers from Penang, Malaysia. The interest sparked off due to a certain passion for the sport and a keen desire to share that passion to others. With that, came the idea of 'borak-borak'.

What does the term "Borak-Borak" actually mean?

"Borak-borak" is a Malaysian lingo that equates to the English word "chit-chat". The phrase is commonly used and has somewhat the power to identify one's identity as a Malaysian. BBF is passionate to 'chit-chat' about the happenings and events of floorball, first in Penang and then the other parts of Malaysia. With that in mind, Borak-Borak Floorball came into existence.

Who are we?

BBF comprises mainly of three suspects under the pseudonyms of Jose, Bendy and Spritzer. However, BBF has also taken in hired-for-free reporters in their effort to cover as many grounds as possible.

NOTE: BBF is not an official website to any organization or governing body. We are merely a group of passionate floorballers who seek to share this passion to others. We strive to be courteous, neutral and honest in our opinions, thoughts, reviews and analyses.

Our vision?

BBF sought to 'talk big' and 'talk much' about floorball. We hope to represent the floorball community in Penang as well as the nation, Malaysia, in the bigger picture. We want to be a voice for floorball in the present and future generation, a voice to be heard not for recognition but for the ultimate growth and development of floorball in Malaysia.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Team Preview: Frontliners Spartans

Frontliners Spartans(Frontliners Floorball Club)

Last season: 3rd/4

Meet the Spartans. Again.

Frontliners Floorball Club, known as one of the forefathers of Floorball in Penang, has for some reasons, struggled forever to stamp their mark in the scene.

Last year, a breakthrough was in touching distance as a decent run in form saw them closing in for a silver. A victory against the winless Minden UniHawks on the final day was all they needed. Yet in the do-or-die match, Spartans were out of sorts and succumbed to a far more hungrier opponent who had a point to prove.

The "Floorballers" in the end, went home empty handed, but the team had potential and was worth looking forward to in this campaign. However, a glance on the team roster suggested otherwise.

Other than the likes of “Kung Fu” goalie, Sharron; old guard Stevan Tay together with national players, Kuan Yang and Ming Hwee forming the core, the team is once again… A new team.

Almost near nill retention and hence no continuation in the development of the team as a whole. Although there are some decent recruits like Nicholas Toeh and Kenny Ng who made it in for trials with the State Team, it will still be an uphill task for coach/player, Kuan Yang to guide the reformed Spartans against experience old foes (Innebandy and FireAnts.) and newcomers (Ztec and Dalat) with huge appetite, ready to impress.

Having said that, most of us have been there long enough to know that nothing is absolute. Even the underdogs have their day. Plus the freshness of having newbies may just make them even more unpredictable. And let's not forget, the Spartans did give the Persians a whacking before they went down!

Key Player:
The seniors will have huge responsibilities in leading the team, but it will be the goalie who will be the most important piece.

The goalie who earn the tag "Kung Fu" Spartan via her heroic saves in the previous campaign will be call upon once again, shouldering even more burden as the key in providing stability for the Spartans.

Her form will be crucial to the morale of the team. Break her, break the team. Spartans will be going all out in preventing that.

Rising Rookie:
Su Rong. BBF has personally seen the boy’s play. Tough, rough and uncompromising. The forward is well built and doesn’t mind giving the defender a body check or two. On top of that, he has reasonable positioning instinct which is hard to come by.

Adding it up, this makes him an asset to the team, making him an eyesore to the defenders. The only short coming is in technique, so expect the finishing to be lacking.

The deafening cheer has always been impressive; the play… lacking. And once again, a disappointing team roster with a whole lot of new faces.

It would be a tough season ahead, with only 1 or 2 games to look forward to for a win. Should be able to survive relegation if the core players perform. Best bet, 4th. Anything more is bonus.

It is by no means an easy task when playing against the fast running Spartans. This team is made up of runners that will push their opponents to their limit. However in Division 1, it takes more than just a bunch of runners to win you the championship. And with so many new faces on the team sheet, it will be hard for them to challenge the top 3 teams.

It will be down to the matches against UniHawks and Eagles respectively that will decide where Spartans will stand this season. Remember UniHawks beat Spartans last season, which ultimately cost them the silver medal. Will it happen again this time? We shall wait and see.

Spartans to finish 4th this season.

Probably sharing similar fate as UniHawks, it will be a tought competition ahead of them. Then again, they have a pretty decent core team lined up, which will definitely play a crucial role in their play time.

The leadership of the more experience players will determine the fate of each game for them. How they motivate the team and how they play their game will be crucial. Finishing 4th seems to be the best position for now.

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